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Extensible Markup Language  |  2007-10-27  |  13KB  |  312 lines

  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <!-- ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
  3.    - Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
  4.    -
  5.    - The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
  6.    - 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
  7.    - the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
  8.    - http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
  9.    -
  10.    - Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
  11.    - WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
  12.    - for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
  13.    - License.
  14.    -
  15.    - The Original Code is Sun Microsystems code.
  16.    -
  17.    - The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Sun Microsystems.
  18.    - Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2006
  19.    - the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
  20.    -
  21.    - Contributor(s):
  22.    -   Michael Buettner <michael.buettner@sun.com>
  23.    -   Berend Cornelius <berend.cornelius@sun.com>
  24.    -
  25.    - Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
  26.    - either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
  27.    - the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
  28.    - in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
  29.    - of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
  30.    - under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
  31.    - use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
  32.    - decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
  33.    - and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
  34.    - the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
  35.    - the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
  36.    -
  37.    - ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -->
  39. <bindings xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/xbl"
  40.           xmlns:xbl="http://www.mozilla.org/xbl"
  41.           xmlns:xul="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul">
  43.   <!--
  44.   ########################################################################
  45.   ## daypicker
  46.   ########################################################################
  47.   -->
  49.   <binding id="daypicker" display="xul:button"
  50.            extends="chrome://global/content/bindings/button.xml#button-base">
  51.     <resources>
  52.       <stylesheet src="chrome://calendar/content/calendar-daypicker.css"/>
  53.     </resources>
  54.     <content>
  55.       <xul:stack anonid="stackid" class="daystack" xbl:inherits="bottom,right">
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  59.                      class="toolbarbutton-text" 
  60.                      flex="1"
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  65.     <implementation>
  66.       <method name="onmodified">
  67.         <parameter name="aEvent"/>
  68.         <body>
  69.           <![CDATA[
  70.             if (aEvent.attrName =="checked") {
  71.                 var event = document.createEvent('Events');
  72.                 event.initEvent('select', true, true);
  73.                 this.calendar.dispatchEvent(event);
  74.             }
  75.           ]]>
  76.         </body>
  77.       </method>
  78.       <constructor>
  79.         <![CDATA[
  80.           this.setAttribute("autoCheck", "true");
  81.           this.setAttribute("type", "checkbox");
  82.           this.addEventListener("DOMAttrModified", this.onmodified, false);
  83.         ]]>
  84.       </constructor>
  85.     </implementation>
  86.   </binding>
  88.   <!--
  89.   ########################################################################
  90.   ## daypicker-weekday
  91.   ########################################################################
  92.   -->
  94.   <binding id="daypicker-weekday" extends="xul:box">
  95.     <resources>
  96.       <stylesheet src="chrome://calendar/skin/calendar-daypicker.css"/>
  97.     </resources>
  99.     <content>
  100.       <xul:hbox anonid="mainbox" flex="1">
  101.         <xul:daypicker bottom="true" xbl:inherits="disabled,mode=id"/>
  102.         <xul:daypicker bottom="true" xbl:inherits="disabled,mode=id"/>
  103.         <xul:daypicker bottom="true" xbl:inherits="disabled,mode=id"/>
  104.         <xul:daypicker bottom="true" xbl:inherits="disabled,mode=id"/>
  105.         <xul:daypicker bottom="true" xbl:inherits="disabled,mode=id"/>
  106.         <xul:daypicker bottom="true" xbl:inherits="disabled,mode=id"/>
  107.         <xul:daypicker bottom="true" right="true" xbl:inherits="disabled,mode=id"/>
  108.       </xul:hbox>
  109.     </content>
  111.     <implementation>
  112.       <!--
  113.       The weekday-picker manages an array of selected days of the week and
  114.       the 'days' property is the interface to this array. the expected argument is
  115.       an array containing integer elements, where each element represents a selected
  116.       day of the week, starting with SUNDAY=1.
  117.       -->
  118.       <property name="days">
  119.         <setter><![CDATA[
  120.           var mainbox =
  121.               document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(
  122.                   this, "anonid", "mainbox");
  123.           var numChilds = mainbox.childNodes.length;
  124.           for (var i = 0; i < numChilds; i++) {
  125.               var child = mainbox.childNodes[i];
  126.               child.removeAttribute("checked");
  127.           }
  128.           for (i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {
  129.               var index = val[i] - 1 - this.weekStartOffset;
  130.               if (index < 0) {
  131.                   index += 7;
  132.               }
  133.               mainbox.childNodes[index].setAttribute("checked", "true");
  134.           }
  135.           return val;
  136.         ]]></setter>
  137.         <getter><![CDATA[
  138.           var mainbox =
  139.               document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(
  140.                   this, "anonid", "mainbox");
  141.           var numChilds = mainbox.childNodes.length;
  142.           var days = [];
  143.           for (var i = 0; i < numChilds; i++) {
  144.               var child = mainbox.childNodes[i];
  145.               if (child.getAttribute("checked") == "true") {
  146.                   var index = i + this.weekStartOffset;
  147.                   if (index >= 7)
  148.                   index -= 7;
  149.                   days.push(index + 1);
  150.               }
  151.           }
  152.           return days;
  153.         ]]></getter>
  154.       </property>
  156.       <constructor><![CDATA[
  157.         var pb2 = Components.classes[
  158.             "@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
  159.                 .getService(
  160.                     Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch2);
  161.         this.weekStartOffset = 0;
  162.         try {
  163.             this.weekStartOffset =
  164.                 pb2.getIntPref("calendar.week.start");
  165.         } catch (ex) {
  166.         }
  167.         var sbs = Components.classes[
  168.             "@mozilla.org/intl/stringbundle;1"]
  169.                 .getService(
  170.                     Components.interfaces.nsIStringBundleService);
  171.         var props =
  172.             sbs.createBundle(
  173.                 "chrome://calendar/locale/dateFormat.properties");
  174.         var mainbox =
  175.             document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(
  176.                 this, "anonid", "mainbox");
  177.         var numChilds = mainbox.childNodes.length;
  178.         for (var i = 0; i < numChilds; i++) {
  179.             var child = mainbox.childNodes[i];
  180.             var dow = i + this.weekStartOffset;
  181.             if (dow >= 7) {
  182.                 dow -= 7;
  183.             }
  184.             var day = props.GetStringFromName("day." + (dow + 1) + ".Mmm");
  185.             child.label = day;
  186.             child.calendar = this;
  187.         }
  188.       ]]></constructor>
  190.     </implementation>
  191.   </binding>
  193.   <!--
  194.   ########################################################################
  195.   ## daypicker-monthday
  196.   ########################################################################
  197.   -->
  199.   <binding id="daypicker-monthday" extends="xul:box">
  200.     <resources>
  201.       <stylesheet src="chrome://calendar/skin/calendar-daypicker.css"/>
  202.     </resources>
  204.     <content>
  205.           <xul:vbox anonid="mainbox" class="daypicker-monthday-mainbox" flex="1" >
  206.             <xul:hbox class="daypicker-row" flex="1">
  207.               <daypicker label="1" xbl:inherits="disabled, mode=id"/>
  208.               <daypicker label="2" xbl:inherits="disabled, mode=id"/>
  209.               <daypicker label="3" xbl:inherits="disabled, mode=id"/>
  210.               <daypicker label="4" xbl:inherits="disabled, mode=id"/>
  211.               <daypicker label="5" xbl:inherits="disabled, mode=id"/>
  212.               <daypicker label="6" xbl:inherits="disabled, mode=id"/>
  213.               <daypicker label="7" right="true" xbl:inherits="disabled, mode=id"/>
  214.             </xul:hbox>
  215.             <xul:hbox class="daypicker-row" flex="1">
  216.               <daypicker label="8" xbl:inherits="disabled, mode=id"/>
  217.               <daypicker label="9" xbl:inherits="disabled, mode=id"/>
  218.               <daypicker label="10" xbl:inherits="disabled, mode=id"/>
  219.               <daypicker label="11" xbl:inherits="disabled, mode=id"/>
  220.               <daypicker label="12" xbl:inherits="disabled, mode=id"/>
  221.               <daypicker label="13" xbl:inherits="disabled, mode=id"/>
  222.               <daypicker label="14" right="true" xbl:inherits="disabled, mode=id"/>
  223.             </xul:hbox>
  224.             <xul:hbox class="daypicker-row" flex="1">
  225.               <daypicker label="15" xbl:inherits="disabled, mode=id"/>
  226.               <daypicker label="16" xbl:inherits="disabled, mode=id"/>
  227.               <daypicker label="17" xbl:inherits="disabled, mode=id"/>
  228.               <daypicker label="18" xbl:inherits="disabled, mode=id"/>
  229.               <daypicker label="19" xbl:inherits="disabled, mode=id"/>
  230.               <daypicker label="20" xbl:inherits="disabled, mode=id"/>
  231.               <daypicker label="21" right="true" xbl:inherits="disabled, mode=id"/>
  232.             </xul:hbox>
  233.             <xul:hbox class="daypicker-row" flex="1">
  234.               <daypicker label="22" xbl:inherits="disabled, mode=id"/>
  235.               <daypicker label="23" xbl:inherits="disabled, mode=id"/>
  236.               <daypicker label="24" xbl:inherits="disabled, mode=id"/>
  237.               <daypicker label="25" xbl:inherits="disabled, mode=id"/>
  238.               <daypicker label="26" xbl:inherits="disabled, mode=id"/>
  239.               <daypicker label="27" xbl:inherits="disabled, mode=id"/>
  240.               <daypicker label="28" right="true" xbl:inherits="disabled, mode=id"/>
  241.             </xul:hbox>
  242.             <xul:hbox class="daypicker-row" flex="1">
  243.               <daypicker bottom="true" label="29" xbl:inherits="disabled, mode=id"/>
  244.               <daypicker bottom="true" label="30" xbl:inherits="disabled, mode=id"/>
  245.               <daypicker bottom="true" label="31" xbl:inherits="disabled, mode=id"/>
  246.               <daypicker disabled="true" bottom="true" xbl:inherits="mode=id"/>
  247.               <daypicker disabled="true" bottom="true" xbl:inherits="mode=id"/>
  248.               <daypicker disabled="true" bottom="true" xbl:inherits="mode=id"/>
  249.               <daypicker disabled="true" bottom="true" right="true" xbl:inherits="mode=id"/>
  250.             </xul:hbox>
  251.           </xul:vbox>
  252.         </content>
  253.     <implementation>
  254.       <property name="days">
  255.         <setter><![CDATA[
  256.           var mainbox =
  257.               document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(
  258.                   this, "anonid", "mainbox");
  259.           var numRows = mainbox.childNodes.length;
  260.           var days = [];
  261.           for (var i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
  262.               var row = mainbox.childNodes[i];
  263.               var numChilds = row.childNodes.length;
  264.               for (var j = 0; j < numChilds; j++) {
  265.                   var child = row.childNodes[j];
  266.                   child.removeAttribute("checked");
  267.                   days.push(child);
  268.               }
  269.           }
  270.           for (i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {
  271.               days[val[i]-1].setAttribute("checked", "true");
  272.           }
  273.           return val;
  274.         ]]></setter>
  275.         <getter><![CDATA[
  276.           var mainbox =
  277.               document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(
  278.                   this, "anonid", "mainbox");
  279.           var numRows = mainbox.childNodes.length;
  280.           var days = [];
  281.           for (var i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
  282.               var row = mainbox.childNodes[i];
  283.               var numChilds = row.childNodes.length;
  284.               for (var j = 0; j < numChilds; j++) {
  285.                   var child = row.childNodes[j];
  286.                   if (child.getAttribute("checked") == "true") {
  287.                       days.push(Number(child.label));
  288.                   }
  289.               }
  290.           }
  291.           return days;
  292.         ]]></getter>
  293.       </property>
  295.       <constructor><![CDATA[
  296.         var mainbox =
  297.             document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(
  298.                 this, "anonid", "mainbox");
  299.         var numRows = mainbox.childNodes.length;
  300.         for (var i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
  301.             var row = mainbox.childNodes[i];
  302.             var numChilds = row.childNodes.length;
  303.             for (var j = 0; j < numChilds; j++) {
  304.                 var child = row.childNodes[j];
  305.                 child.calendar = this;
  306.             }
  307.         }
  308.       ]]></constructor>
  309.     </implementation>
  310.   </binding>
  311. </bindings>